Pitch Perfect | Bill McGowan

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Pitch Perfect by Bill McGowan

This new book summary will help us communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders the extraordinary work we do for our clients. Our results are determined not just by our actions, but also by how we communicate them. Read down to learn the key takeaways from Bill McGowan’s book Pitch Perfect. A key concept of the book is to communicate the right message at the right time and in the right way to the right audience. A splendid life is ahead of you!


Boost your productivity with smart techniques

  • Two-minute rule: Actions that will take less than two minutes should be performed when they are defined. Tiny wins create momentum. 
  • Pomodoro technique: You spend 25-minute intervals of focused work followed by five-minute breaks. This technique helps you focus sharply and avoid procrastination.
  • Power hour technique: you can use this technique to accomplish those tasks you’ve been putting off. Identify the most challenging task and block out an hour on your calendar to focus on it.

Success Language

If you are on time, you are late.

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant seed of either success or failure in the mind of your listener. 

– Napoleon Hill

Every time we speak, we have the opportunity to inform, influence and inspire. 

Our words plant seeds of success or failure in others’ minds.


The First 30 Seconds

  • The first step to capturing your audience’s attention is to make a concise, compelling statement. 
  • Start your argument with a story that grabs your audience’s attention.

“You’ll never get to your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks”

-Winston Churchill

An audience-capturing formula

  • Shorten your talk 
  • Add suspense to your talk
  • Surprise your audience (say something unexpected and incorporate a different style)

Use analogies to explain your points

Here are a few examples:

  • Rian’s sales increased by 200% from last year – it is equivalent to running three marathons if you have run one last year. 
  • Market drops are just small bumps, not roadblocks.
  • The act of worrying is as effective as eating junk food to achieve health.

Focus on your key message.

What if you receive Amaras (Mango- pulp) with water? Is it something you would enjoy with Poli(roti)? 

Any irrelevant points you add to your arguments is like adding water to your Amaras which will only dilute your message. 

Pose well and wear the right clothing to appear more assertive.


The benefits of being curious 

Encourages important conversations
It makes your mind active instead of passive
Curious people always ask genuine questions and seek answers
Curiosity-based mental exercises strengthen your mind, just as regular exercise strengthens muscles.

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk. 

– Doug Larson

Discuss on your strengths

You should slowly shift the discussion to mutual strength or interest when others dictate the content that is not in your strengths. 

Avoid being spontaneous during any high stakes pitch.


Tip for Public Speaking 

Take a deep breath before you speak and arrive early at the venue so you can socialize with your listeners.


“The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”

– Dorothy Nevill

“Don’t find fault, find remedy; anybody can complain”

– Henry Ford


A General Piece of Wisdom from the book

Empathy is the cornerstone of good conversation skills… 

Being able to see things from the other person’s point of view cannot be overemphasized in terms of its importance.


A three-step process to apologize

  1. Admit & own the mistake
  2. Say it is an exception and not the norm
  3. Forecast and assure a positive result in the future. 

Assume you failed to deliver on time despite all your efforts. In the event of a mishap like this, here are some tips on how you can communicate effectively with your manager. When handling such a mishap, you need context, so take my pointers with a grain of salt. – Yes, you’re right, the outcome isn’t what I expected. I’m really sorry for your disappointment. I feel upset because I was involved in it and have a personal responsibility for it.

By doing [X] and [Y] in next week, I plan to accomplish [C]. By doing this, we’ll be able to offset the loss by about XX%. So if you have a slight hint of any such problems, you should notify and consult with the manager/colleague right away (without waiting until the last minute of delivery). This may help to reduce the intensity of the problem. In general, managers want to know whether you understand the severity of the mishap. It is critical that they hear a reassuring voice that assures them they are in good hands.


The key points from Pitch Perfect 

  • The key to pitch-perfect communication is delivering the right message at the right time, to the right person.
  • Communicate clearly and concisely, without being controversial or inappropriate, and always be prepared.
  • Use stories and visuals to ensure your listeners understand and remember your arguments.
  • Prepare for your speech, no matter how experienced or novice you are. Breathe calmly before beginning.
Categories: Book summary